1Password - Sharing Passwords
1Password – Sharing Passwords
There are three ways to share passwords from your 1Password Vaults.
The first option is using the app. Search for the name of the login and once you have found it click share.

Here are the available options for sharing a password.
- You can share the password for a max of 7 days. The other options are 1 hour and 1 day.
- You can make the password viewable once, or until the set timeframe expires.
- You can send it to multiple emails, but viewable once has to be unchecked.

After you have selected your options click Get Link to Share.

Copy the link and you can then paste it in an email and send it to the end user.

When the end user opens the link, they will have to provide their email address for verification.
They will then get a verification code to enter before seeing the password.

They are then able to copy and save the password to their own password managers.
Sharing Passwords with the Browser Extension
Click the plugin and search for the password you want to share.
Then click the three dots in the top right corner.

In the new menu, click the option to share.

This will redirect you to a new screen with the settings for the password.
From here on it is the same process as using the desktop app.
Sharing Passwords with the Online Portal
Go to https://apwa-team.1password.com/signin and sign in.
Select one of your vaults.

Find the password you want to share and click the share icon.
From here on it is the same process as using the desktop app.